Because no woman is an island....
This site argues that issues of race, gender, sexuality, and class are all tightly interlinked in American society. These are not exclusive issues, and we always want to remember that a gain for Chicanas is always a gain for other groups as well, whether it's poor women, white women, men of color, white lesbians, or Arab immigrants. This page makes some of those connections clear by focusing on groups and issues that work as allies to Chicanas and Latinas. Que siguen luchando, amigas!
~ Colorlines Magazine does a terrific job covering news with an eye for issues of race, class, and inequality. Spend hours cruising their blogsite for incisive political and cultural analysis. We particularly love their campaign to "Drop the I-Word" - no one is illegal!
~ Ms. Magazine. The classic women's rights magazine is still relevant and excellent, thoughtful about issues of race, class, ability around the globe. See their blog here, and pick up a copy at your local bookstore, or order your own.
~ We really love the Center for American Women & Politics at Rutgers University (Eagleton Institute). They have lots of meticulous fact sheets and research on the presence (and absence!) of white women and women of color, and men of color, on the national political scene.
~ Run, don't walk, to James Crawford's excellent and informational website on national bilingual policy issues. Independent academic, and former editor of the Washington's Education Week, Mr. Crawford's site offers clear and grounded reporting and analysis of the English Only movement, English Plus, bilingual education, efforts to save endangered languages, and language rights in the U.S.A. Frequently updated, this is a must-see for anybody who cares about bilingual issues.
~ The United Farm Workers continue to fight for the rights of some of our most vulnerable workers in this country. Read about their history and more importantly, current struggles to improve wages and working conditions for California agricultural workers. Founded by Cesar Chavez and currently headed by Arturo Rodriguez and Dolores Huerta, the UFW has a long history of struggle for the rights of immigrants and people of color. See their current research links and UFW history.
~ Creative,
funny, thought-provoking, and right on target--the Guerrilla
Girls have declared themselves "the conscience of the art world."
With lines like "Guerrilla
Girls proclaim internet too pale, too male!"--these savvy activists
are challenging racism and sexism in America's art scene....and beyond!
Browse their amazing poster collection, travel diary, and event log....
~ What is feminist history? Check out Estelle Freedman's beautiful site based on her books, No Turning Back: The History of Feminism and the Future of Women , which in turn is based on her famously popular FS101 courses at Stanford University.
~ Lalo Alcaraz of Pocho Productions provides
critical humor and analysis of racism
in the U.S. in this beautiful, new-and-expanded website....yes, of course,
they can be pretty sexist, so think "coalition" and look for
the brilliance in this amazing collection of satire and parody. These guys are geniuses....and
if you don't know how to laugh at yourself (and that chorizo stain on your
shirt), you'd better stay away.
~ MANUSHI - This fabulous Indian organization began in 1978 with a Indian Women's Feminist Journal but expanded to address "economic, political, and social problems confronting us in India today through patient study, a non-partisan approach, live interaction with the people concerned, and culturally sensitive, informed activism."
~ Grameen Bank - Your webjefa has a crush on Nobel laureate Muhammed Yunus, the founder of the Grameen Bank and organization that began with a small microcredit program in Bangladesh but quickly grew into a global organization with a complex vision of what business is and should be. Read more....

~ The Asian Law Caucus is the nation's first legal and civil rights organization serving the low-income Asian Pacific American communities. Check out their various projects and the Fred Korematsu Institute for Civil Rights and Education.
~ Domestic work is WORK! In December 2010, New York state passed the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights, a groundbreaking state law that guarantees fundamental labor protections to nannies, housekeepers and elder-care providers in that state, thanks to the work of Domestic Workers United. The California Domestic Workers have been working with other groups nationally (including San Francisco's Mujeres Unidas y Activas) to pass legislation recognizing the rights of household workers here in California - read more. Or watch Christine Yvette Lewis represent the DWU on Stephen Colbert!
~ About
Face is a San Francisco-based grassroots
group that seeks to create "an about-face in
stagnant attitudes about women in our culture, to encourage young
girls to feel good about themselves and their bodies." The
website is dedicated to identifying negative and distorted corporate
advertising images of women with its gallery
of offenders; to acknowledge those companies
helping to forge positive change in women's images; and to
educating and empowering women in all our sizes, colors, and
forms. This is a terrific site that offers lots of practical
ways to support their project.
~ Nawal
El Saadawi is a leading Egyptian feminist, sociologist,
medical doctor (psychiatry), and writer. She
is one of the most widely translated contemporary Egyptian writers,
with her work available in different languages worldwide. She is
the author of a classic work on women in Islam, The Hidden Face
of Eve, and of many other published works, including plays, collections
of short stories, non-fiction, and novels, many of which are now
translated into English, including Woman at Point Zero, Death
of an Ex-Minister, and The Fall of the Imam.
~ African-American feminist legal scholar Vernellia Randall has created an excellent website with substantive information, references, bibliographies, and links on Gender, Race, Health, and U.S. inequalities. Her site also includes this terrific bibiliographies and syllabi.
~ Planned Parenthood USA's website includes information on women's health, contraception, and reproductive issues as well as info on education and advocacy. Definitely check out the page on Your Contraceptive Choices. For excellent general information on reproductive health, contraception, and emergency contraception (in English and en espanol, check out this site by Princeton's Office of Population Research.
~ One of the oldest feminist organizations in this country, The National Organization for Women has a complete website including substantive sections on Abortion and Reproductive Rights, Affirmative Action, Economic Equity, Global Feminism, Young Feminism, and more...
~ ACLU Website - Please support this historic organization as it continues to fight for the rights of all Americans, whether people of color, immigrants, women, undocumented, or religious minorities. We should all be proud card-carrying members.... be sure to check out their excellent and concise discussion of affirmative action. Oh heck, it's worth quoting here: Affirmative action does not penalize white males. Fairness requires ending biased practices, not perpetuating them, and that includes ending the unjust advantages traditionally enjoyed by whites and white men. The conscientious effort to hire or admit women and people of color is a way for employers and schools to break their habit of favoring whites and males, and a way to facilitate the transition to nondiscriminatory practices. Restructuring a discriminatory status quo to create a nondiscriminatory environment isn't "reverse discrimination," but it may feel that way because something is being lost: White people are losing the favoritism they so long enjoyed in a system that discriminated on the basis of color and sex. Continued at ACLU site...
~ Check out SAWNET, the
South Asian Women's Network Website with its excellent selection of resources
beginning with this bibliography of
South Asian Women's Writing and author
profiles, as well as news, articles, announcements, and info on health,
careers, and domestic violence. This is probably a good place to
mention a terrific anthology of writings by women of the South Asian diaspora
titled Our Feet Walk the Sky by aunt lute press (1993). Look
for it--or demand it--at your local bookstore and library.