Short version: is the personal and professional project of Susana L. Gallardo, and a small informal advisory board. Susana is currently an Instructor of Women's Studies at San Jose State University in San Jose, California. She holds a Ph.D. in Religious Studies at Stanford University, a Masters in Theological Studies (M.T.S.) from Harvard University, and an A.B. from Occidental College. She has taught Religious Studies, Chicana/o Studies, and Women's Studies at various California colleges and universities including Stanford, Santa Clara University, Notre Dame de Namur University, Occidental College and UC Santa Barbara.
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Susana L. Gallardo, "About," Making Face, Making Soul: A Chicana Feminist Website, Created 1996, accessed 10/30/12.
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And the long version ....
Holy bejeezus, it's been fifteen years! My name is Susana
Gallardo, and I started this site in 1996 at the start of the Internet
revolution. Back
then, we hadn't yet heard of "spam," and even I had to
be dragged kicking and screaming to get an email address.
I originally started this site out of a profound frustration-- the books and ideas I was reading as a graduate student at Stanford in the early 90s were transforming my identity and my understanding of my place in the world as a woman of color. I was frustrated that I hadn't been exposed to these resources in my Orange County public education (big surprise), or even my undergraduate education (the only book on Chicanos I read was the highly tokenized Richard Rodriguez Hunger of Memory). I've been making up for that early lack ever since, and I latched onto the internet as a way to make those same resources available to anyone, anywhere, at any age. The academica, literatura , and chingonas pages were the first I compiled--they are aimed first and foremost at high school and college students seeking resources in Chicana/o history and research. But I hope these pages are also useful to parents, older adults, working people, anyone in the public seeking to learn more about Mexican-Americans and Chicana feminisms in the U.S. These pages remain the most frequently revised and updated.

I am terribly proud that this site is now linked by over seventy different U.S. colleges and universities (including SUNY Binghamton, Colorado, Cornell, Emory, George Mason, Harvard, Iowa State, Wisconsin, Michigan State, Oregon State, Princeton, Rutgers, Stanford, U of Chicago, U of Maryland, U of Minnesota, U of Texas, Washington, Wesleyan, Washington State, Yale, the California State Universities at L.A., Monterey Bay & Sacramento; and the Universities of California at L.A., Riverside, Santa Barbara, and Davis; ) and another eighty different nonprofit and educational sites nationwide. I have gotten some terrific email over the years from mujeres who have found the site meaningful, and those messages alone have made the site worthwhile.
So this redesign has been in the works over five years, and it's about time it finally launched. I want to thank those of you that have remained loyal visitors even when half the links were dead.
An informal advisory board
I'd like to thank those individuals who have provided significant support to in past years, whether it's substantive feedback and suggestions,
or helping to give the site more public exposure. Honorary Chingonas include:
Ana Juarez, Southwest Texas State University
Estelle Freedman, Stanford University
Lucky Gutierrez, Stanford University
Alma Lopez, Chicana artist extraordinaire
Francisca James Hernandez, Pima Community College
Rosalia Solorzano Torres, UT El Paso
And of course, I'd like to thank my family:
my brother Ralph Gallardo, geek engineer, for allowing unlimited access on his server, and for handing down all his old computers;
my little sister, Daneane Gallardo of RexRuff Designs, for her patience and all the desperate last-minute css and php solutions;
my parents Herman & Dorothy Gallardo, for just generally being the most inspiring role models of my life, for always supporting me in my educational goals, and finally, for supporting financially.